As a pianist and teacher I have suffered the shame of viewing potty words when working with my students, most of whom are below the age of 12. Some songs requested by my students include:
Every Taylor Swift song
Moonlight – a rapper
Party Rock – LMFAO
All I Ask – Adele
How do you come up with the edits?
96% my brain, 4% AI
Why do you have feature some songs that don’t have naughty words?
I noticed that some songs featured on the common guitar chord and ukulele chord and tab sites don’t include the full chord. This is understandable as many chords (augmented, suspended, etc) cannot be played on these instruments. I have taken the time to include the chords as accurately as possible. I also have included simplified versions for students which have the benefit of being transposable (shift key higher or lower).
Are there any features coming in the future?
Definitely! I hope to add a broader transpose feature for the difficult chords, color change, and auto-scroller.
An actual conversation:
Student: Do you know what a WAP is?
Me: Yes, it stands for wireless access protocol.
Student: What? No, it means w-
Me: Wireless. Access. Protocol. Is the only meaning!